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CH.Maple Syrup of the Morning Valley
CH.Majik Truth or Dare X Sheer Magic of the Morning Valley
CH.Night in Paris of the Morning Valley
CH.Obsidian of the Morning Valley x CH.Forever Yours my Love of Splendour
2 x JCAC,
Arrival of the Morning Valley
CH.Noah of the Hellacious Acres X CH.Midight Sun of the Morning Valley
5x JCAC, 1 CAC
Jr.CH. Santa Monica of the Morning Valley
CH.Zampanzar Blue Note X CH.Midnight Sun of the Morning Valley
" Cara "
Lemon & Lime of the Morning Valley
Multi Ch.Obsidian of the M.V. X Arrival of the M.V.
" Becky "
J.CH. Make My Day of the Morning Valley
J.CH.Angelonato Dreams come TrueXCH.Night in Paris of the M.V.
" Wicca"
Charmed of the Morning Valley
Bright Sky Rozmachany Ogon X Jr.CH.Santa Monica of the MorningValley
" Lacey"
Angelonato Lavender and Lace

CH.Rose-Bay's Nordic Magical Mystery X CH.Angelonato Dream On
Faustina of the Morning Valley
CH.Sequins Soroush X CH.Maple of the Morning Valley
" Molly"

Close to Eden of the Morning Valley
Fly to Fletcher Du Bois de La Rayere X CH.Midnight Sun of the Morning Valley
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